B&T Installations Excavation Contract

The first 3 inches of excavation is included in the installation price. This only applies to virgin (untouched) ground.

The 3 inches will not apply if Someone has attempted to level the ground themselves. (Attempting to dig out any portion of the site).

The site is a previous site that isn't level
The site is a previous smaller site that needs to be widened.
Any situations that are listed above Will be quoted on site by the excavator before any work will be done.


Homeowner Responsibilities:

Pool location:
The Homeowner must call 811 prior to any dig to make sure there are no underground utilities prior to installing. This should be done prior to purchasing the pool so there is no need to return the product. It is the homeowner's responsibility to figure out the pool location where there are no lines underground or any other issues such as trees, roots, concrete etc. And that the pools site is within setback requirements. We will need at least 8 full feet of access to get our machine back to where the pool is going to be installed. We do not take down or remove any fences, shrubs, trees or any other object that is in the way. All of this must be done prior to the excavation crew arriving. Failure to have it done prior to arrival will result in the excavation being rescheduled to the next available date. The Homeowner must have adequate room for the excavated dirt to be piled within 15 foot of the site being excavated. The dirt excavated is piled within 15 feet of pool location. We do not haul dirt away. Depending on the depth of excavation, sometimes there will be a large pile of dirt to contend with after completion of the excavation. Sometimes multiple dump truck loads. We recommend you put an ad on Craigslist for free fill and most of the time you can get rid of it that way. B&T Installations nor the excavation crew will be held responsible for any damage done to underground pipes, lines, septic tanks, cisterns, footers, electrical lines, driveways, walkways, patio stones etc. It is the homeowner's responsibility to make sure the excavation crew has a clear way to get back to the pool site and that there are no issues to do the excavation. There is no way for us to know what's under your ground. Due to not being able to know what's under the ground, sometimes we may run into hardpan, shale, underground aquifer etc. Situations like this will be quoted on site if our crew thinks they can fix the problem. Any extra charge would be quoted on site.

There are instances where you might have to move the pool's location at your expense or hire an outside contractor with different machinery to get it completed at your expense. Having to haul in clean fill or not being able to install the pool at all are very real possibilities.

Any excavation with an 8-inch grade or above, it is recommended to install a Water Diversion drain around the high side of the pool. Also, the pool will need to be backfilled all the way around the pool, or at least high enough to cover the bottom track. This should not be done until the pool is at least half full of water to prevent the wall from caving in. We recommend at least 3 inches high of sand, clean fill or river rock. This is the homeowner's responsibility.

Any damage done such as cove washouts, etc. are not covered under any warranty. We can only excavate the ground the best we can with what the ground and area of pool site allows. We do not guarantee a perfect round excavation site nor a perfect cut slope if there is extensive grading to be done. We are not landscapers and additional work will need to be done after the pool install is complete. This is not limited to removal or spreading of excavated dirt, shaping up the slope to or spreading of excavated dirt, shaping up the slope to create a uniformed slope, replanting grass, removal of rocks and debris excavated, spreading of sand left over from pool installation and landscaping etc.

The excavation crew uses a machine that is close to 10,000 lbs unloaded. Due to the weight of this machine your yard will get marked up, with tracks, torn up grass, etc. There is no way around it and if the ground is wet the result is worse. After excavation, you will have damage to your yard you will have a pile of dirt to get rid of which may contain rocks, shale, coal etc., and there will be landscaping you will need to do around your pool once it's installed.

We do not haul dirt away.

We do not load dirt in trailers or dump trucks due to liability issues. In some instances, if you have the room the excavator can spread the dirt around the yard to make it disappear or shuttle it a further distance than 15 feet for an extra charge if time allows. This charge would be quoted on site prior to excavation.

By signing this excavation sheet I am stating that I fully understand and agree to all the terms above and it was discussed with me prior to the excavation.


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